Murals in Schools
The benefits of mural art are plenty. Murals provide a low cost solution to really making school grounds look and feel beautiful. Murals can reflect who you are. Murals can celebrate, tell important stories, focus a key message, reflect the diversity in your school, create a space and sense of community and most importantly support your students' creativity. Collaborate and create a piece of art with me.
The creation of a school mural is wonderful when it is student directed. I can workshop mural ideas, co-create, design and paint the mural with students. Alternately the mural can be artist led where I create, design and paint the mural in consultation with the wider school community.
I have gained some great experience in creating murals in schools and I really enjoy the process.
Take a look at my mural designs below. Please contact me if you would like to collaborate.

Rangikura School Hall

Rangikura School Hall

Rangikura School

Rangikura School

Plimmerton School

Plimmerton School

Plimmerton School mural for Plimmerton Train Station subway - collaboration with Plimmerton Residents Association
Natone Park School

Natone Park School

Natone Park School - Self portrait fence

Te Kāhui o Waitī
I am very grateful to Wellington’s very own Zealandia eco sanctuary for the opportunity to create a mural for them. Te Kāhui o Waitī has been installed and lovingly blessed. The idea of the wetland development and the Mauri of the water was central to the mural design. I worked with Celeste and Glen form Studio C and the fine folk at Zealandia. Great conversations and learning, thank you Terese McLeod for your loving and fine guidance and Steve Moorhouse for your wonderful communication and support.

Titahi Bay Intermediate School

Shetland Society of Wellington - Centenary Mural at Island Bay
Shetland Society of Wellington - Centenary Mural 2022

Mural details

Redwood School, Tawa - Murals to disguise air conditioning units

Porirua East School - designed with the students' artworks

Porirua East School Pou Garden - Creatives in Schools Project

Karori West Normal School - school values murals